Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Chicago Testimonies, Part 4: Miranda, Matt, Jacob, Cori, Hillary

I’ve had a great week. I’ve met so many people that are so great. Everyone has made this week so easy for me. At first I thought I would have a hard time getting to know everyone but it was the total opposite. Not only did I meet all those people from the church but being able to spend my week with those precious children was life-changing. Something as simple as colors made them so happy. It made me realize I wish I still had that mindset. To be so happy about such a simple thing, and to see the smile on their faces was one of the best feelings in the world…I think today the older people get the more visual we become, and when it comes to God I can’t be that way. I need to have the simplicity and faith that those kids have to become closer to God. I think the kids helped me with this. The funny thing is I came on this trip expecting to help these kids and to help make their life a little better. What I wasn’t expecting happened. I started talking more, I prayed out loud, I became closer to God. What happened was that these kids changed my life for the good. I thank all of them for teaching me what is important in life. This trip has changed me and guided me on the direction that I believe God wants me to be on…P.S. I just want to thank everyone that made this trip possible. The leaders and CSM staff were awesome and I enjoyed spending the week with them. Without them this mission wouldn’t have been possible. So THANKS! I love you all!
-Miranda Middleton

I had an amazing time this week! Working with the kids showed me that they didn’t have a very good home life and they really attach onto anyone that shows them love and compassion. They changed my life on this trip and I want to take that to Cape and work with kids and making their lives a little better. I know that there are the same things in Cape that I saw in Chicago. I never noticed any homeless or needy people in Cape, but God has shown me how bad it is all over America and how we can help.
-Matt Griffith

This week has been awesome. It has helped me with many things like:
• Working with little kids
• Approaching new people
• Talking to people
• Speaking publicly
And it has also helped me spiritually. Some things I wished we would have done would be having worship (singing) and just talking more about God. This trip is definitely going to have an effect on my life in the future, not just this week.
-Jacob Gentry

This week at Chicago has definitely changed me. Last year I said I wanted to do something after but I didn’t have my heart in it. But this year I really mean it. When I get back I’m gonna get involved in anything I can. Right before the mission trip the dedication for Pastor Thomas’ house went on. It was great for me to have that experience right before the trip. It got me really excited and ready. I’ve realized that kids that don’t have a good home life are definitely what I want to help and work with. I’ve become so close with all the people in my group and with everyone that came. I hope we continue to do stuff as a group and stay close. This trip was really eye-opening and showed me how hard life would be if I was homeless. I’m very thankful for my family and for everything I have. I’ve noticed that I take a lot of things for granted. I hope I can change for the better and live my life for God.
-Cori Shockley

This trip has changed the way I view everyday life. After meeting the kids at Casa Central, I am more appreciative of what I have. Since a lot of the kids come from brokenness I’m thankful my parents are still together and love me. Meeting the people on the streets and the people at the soup kitchen was pretty cool. We might have been an answer to someone’s prayers. I was very nervous about this trip, but it was a lot of fun. I plan to go on more trips in the future. It has given me a way to help out. It has also helped get more connected with the youth group. It let me see a different Chicago.
-Hillary Caldwell

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