Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Chicago Testimonies, Part 1: Matt, Taylor, Shelby, Lauren, and David

Working with inner-city kids showed me how much love can change people. I was only with these kids for five days and the bonds we made formed quickly and became strong. These kids hunger for love. This is a great model for what love does and how much love is needed.
-Matt Leimer

I had an amazing time on this trip. It really changed my perspective on homeless people. I used to think that all homeless people were just lazy and druggies. But they do want to change. And the little kids are so eager to be loved, and it opened my eyes about how much I can do by just visiting a child less fortunate than me.
-Taylor Quade

I have been on two mission trips before this one and none of them have ever hit me like this one. I can already see the difference in myself! Every mission trip I have been on I always think I will be building a house or something like that and I never do and it always bugged me but I finally got to build something! I got to build relationships with everyone this week and I will never forget this trip because everything I learned this week will go home with me and be put into my life.
-Shelby Halter

Convincing myself after four mission trips that not moving mountains while on the trip is okay. Over the week I struggled with this idea immensely; I did not understand how I had not had that one truly motivating moment that would redirect my life back to Christ. But now that I am looking back over my trip I realized: It is my responsibility as a Christian to keep my life focused on Him. So, my prayer is – and will remain to be – that even after I leave a constant “Christian atmosphere” I will keep my focus on my Father. I appreciate every obstacle I faced and hope I can use them to grow and mature in my relationship with my Provider.
-Lauren Kalb

This week was an amazing experience. This week I really came closer to God. It was the first time I have really read the Bible and prayed seriously and aloud. This week was definitely a heart-changing experience and I feel like I actually know God now. Two weeks ago I accepted God for the first time at Young Life camp because before that I kinda just faked being a Christian. So I think this week was the start of something amazing that’s going to happen in my life with God.
-David Watts

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