Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Testimonies from B'Ham

We asked the students to write a brief testimony about what they experienced in B'Ham. Here is what some of them wrote:

Adrien Gomes – visitor from France

I think the mission changed my life. Before the mission trip, I wasn’t so close to God. In France I don’t go to church because I thought that it was boring. But when the Watts’ took me to their church, your church, that was amazing. Here you learn to love God I think. I loved to help the children and at Birmingham last night when you washed my feet, I really felt something. Thank you all.

Kasey Rutherford

On Sunday, May 24, I left my home state and began a week that changed my life. I know that God had several things in mind taking me to Birmingham and I’m sure that all of the various things haven’t been brought to my attention yet! There was a tragedy that struck at home that completely turned my thoughts upside down during this mission. God taught me that as long as I keep Him number one in my life, and walk each step with Him that the pieces of life will fall exactly where they are planned to be. I realize that the relationship with God is the strongest one I could ever have. I feel truly blessed to have been brought to Alabama and I will take the lessons back home with me.

Kylie Goodier

It’s really difficult for me to write my mission trip down on a piece of paper. This week has been a mind-blowing, life-changing experience. More than I could ever imagine. (Ha ha, the theme!) When I first found out that the Rye team (wooo!) would be doing yard work, let’s just say I wasn’t exactly ecstatic. But through the last week and four days of weeding, serving lunch, and literally cutting down vine forests and mutant rhubarb plants, I learned and experienced many things. I saw two races in a town known for segregation work together towards a common goal. I experienced the amazing hospitality of a lady who had no idea who we were. I saw little kids dance like I’ve never seen before. I got more comfortable around strangers and bonded with people I would have never met otherwise. However, the coolest thing that happened to me this week was the God helped me find weaknesses and strengths and lit a fire under me to use my gifts to help change the world. So even though at this moment I’m crammed in a backseat of a van heading home, the adventure is just beginning.

Molly Powell

This is my second mission trip and this time was very different. Last time I worked with kids and this time I worked in the yard. It was different but I liked being able to see the difference I made physically. It also took a lot more willpower and concentration and God to complete it, but in the end, it was worth it.

David Watts

This was a very good experience. I got to help kids which is one of my favorite things to do. And I also got to help paint a building. This trip has just really drawn me closer to God.

Ashley Curnell

I came to Birmingham with no real idea why God was calling me to come. I had never been on a mission trip before so I didn’t know what to expect. I was blessed with an amazing work crew and we experienced so much of God’s love this week at our work sites. I learned so much about myself and my relationship with Christ. I felt closer to God this week than I have in my entire life.

Anthony Watts

On the mission trip God showed many things. God tested me to step out of my comfort zone and not to doubt that I couldn’t do it instead trust in God because all things are possible through him. I learned that we all shouldn’t stay sheltered in our church but to reach out to the people in our community. Patience was a big part of what I did. God helped me get through at the nursing home. The mission trip overall was a great experience for me and I got a lot of things out of it.

Shelby Halter

My past week on the mission trip was really good! I learned a lot about myself and other people! I also learned part of the reason why I’m here and that I am stronger in my beliefs and I am patient.

Matt Leimer

God showed me many things this week. One he showed me that a “high” on God is only one of many reasons he brings you on these trips. You can play a small part for someone else and have a big impact on that person. God also showed me that the focus is on himself and others not just me. If I get something of it, great, but the trip was not for me.

Derek Adams

This past week in Birmingham, AL was amazing. At the beginning of the week when I figured out that I was going to be tutoring kids and working at a nursing home I was bummed. I got to thinking and then I realized that the reason I was placed at these places was that God wanted me to step out of the box and communicate with people. By the end of the week, I was way better at communicating and was actually having fun, which I never would have thought that after nearly being smacked by an old lady the first day. That also made me realize that just because you lead a life like Jesus, doesn’t mean people are going to like you. Jesus was crucified and he was perfect. I really hope that this mission trip doesn’t just end because we left Birmingham. I really hope to continue serving God the way we did this week.

Blake Kidd

This mission trip was amazing! I thought that I would just be doing backbreaking, repetitive work, and that it wouldn’t be much fun. I had so much fun and I felt like I helped a lot of people! I am definitely experiencing what some people call “The mountain top experience.” I am definitely coming back next year!!

Nate Nunnery

I thought many things coming here to Birmingham. I realized how much poverty is in the world and in Birmingham. It was hot, but it rained a lot here. This trip opened my eyes to all of the poverty in the world. This trip changed me.

Kara Goodier

I hate the term “mission trip”; that means it’s going to end. Trips come to end but our leaders and YouthWorks staff challenged us to keep this mission going. To not forget what we saw and learned and did. To take this experience of serving God and continue it at home. And now, at the end of the week, there’s no doubt on my mind that most of us will accept that challenge. Personally, I expected to be working hard physically since that’s what most people associate with such trips. But I ended up tutoring math and volunteering at a nursing home. Through fractions and tickle fights, through bingo and electric slide, and painting nails and mixed numbers and falling off of playground equipment, I made connections to God and ministry, and grew in confidence and faith. How can there not be a God when there are so many people and things happening? I came away from this week with new friends, an awesome group that’s like family, more confidence in me and my abilities, more love for myself, others and God, and most importantly, memories that will keep my relationship with God strong. I came away from this week prepared to the never-ending mission.

Lexi Smith

This week has been a great experience for me. My group went to 3 different places during the week. All of these place showed me that so many people need help. I now know how much effect you can have on people. I hope to continue learning how I can use my talents to serve God.

Lauren Kalb

I feel I was the encourager this week. I pushed people out of their comfort zones and to do things they thought they couldn’t. Even though I didn’t get that “mountain top experience” or “spiritual high,” this week put my soul to rest with all of the other things going on in my life. It reminded me that God can do anything and He will never put me in a situation I can’t handle.

Chelsea McDowell

“You’ll only get out of it as much as you let your heart allow.” That was one of the pieces of advice I was showered with while preparing for the trip. Sooner than later, I started to realize how it appeared everywhere in Birmingham – through the children’s smiles at Camp Northstar, food we worked together to prepare & vines we fought to chop down. It was all evident. I discovered that my weaknesses should be overshadowed by my strengths, allowing me to shine. I was reminded that my relationship with God overpowers those on Earth, for He is always there & understands my complexity. By serving with my heart, talents and an open mind, God worked with me to alter this trip to reveal to me what I’ve been missing.

Morgan Bean

My week at YouthWorks was very lovely. I learned so much about the civil rights movement, the people of Birmingham and more about God. The first two days, I worked at Kids club with kids ages four to twelve. Working at Kids club was so rewarding because you were able to see the kid’s happiness. Days three and four I worked at B.E.A.T. where I painted and landscaped houses, It was rewarding because I knew I was slowly changing someone’s life.

Drew Nall

On this mission trip I learned a lot about the problems in the world. I think that we can do something about it so I am going to try. I also made many great friendships that I think will last. It was a very good trip.

Meredith Grissom

This week has been amazing. I had so much fun painting houses, cutting down trees, playing with kids and old people. I love serving God but I never noticed there are so many small ways to serve God. Being in Birmingham a second time made it so much easier because I knew what I was expecting. My favorite moment was the warehouse, it was a touching moment.

Blake Ozbun

During the week at Birmingham, AL, I’ve grown closer than ever to God. God has given me strength this week while I have given him praise; all the while growing closer & closer to God. Although seeing the homeless living in poverty, I saw God working their lives; helping them to survive. I’ve realized how blessed I am. I thank God for that everyday.

Blake Stone

This week was pretty fun. But it wasn’t as good as last year. I still had fun but my expectations were too high. But all around it was good.

Garrett Arnold

This was my first mission trip. I had the best time of my life. I made so many new friends. I enjoyed helping the people of Birmingham. I’ve never been more close to God. This week God has worked through me & I know I’ll be back next year.

Matt Griffith

Before this trip, I didn’t know how much poverty there was in the USA. People told me about this kinda stuff in Cape. But I never believed them! I hope that I can take this back to Cape and help the poverty. I had an amazing experience that I will never forget.

Myles Edwards

God has showed me lots of my eyes to new things. Such as the amount of poverty and racism in other places around the world. I never really paid attention to these things before this trip most likely because I don’t see much of this in Cape. He has also showed me to be a leader. This is what did for me this week.

Sydney Ozbun

This week has gone by very fast. For my sites I went to Kids club for the first two days & B.E.A.T. for the last two days. I thought for sure that I was going to help out & teach kids. But even though I did, the teaching part works both ways. I was taught a lesson too. To never take anything for granted. This week was very had working & fun. I’m so glad I went.

Taylor Quade

I really had fun serving God and helping all those people. I think helping those people had an effect on them but mostly on me. It really told me how good my life is compared to other people. It also showed me how back people’s lives actually are.

Julia Simmers

This week was wonderful. I did so many things that I am proud of. I know I will carry this on when I get home. This really changed me. Now I know that I found a great way to show God that I love him. And now I’m going home. I’ll never forget my experience.

Casey Mehner

This week was amazing. I learned so much about life and how there are really people who are homeless. The poverty in Birmingham was terrible but I still enjoyed my time. I wouldn’t take back going here this week for anything. I am going to keep serving as much as I can from now on. Life can be short so I’m going to live it as it’s full potential.

Cori Shockley

This was my first mission trip and it’s hard leaving Birmingham – it was a such a good experience. I don’t really know why God brought me but I think I really made a difference in some people’s lives. Our first mission we did was painting & building and at first, I didn’t think we were doing anything big but people were really appreciative of what we were doing. Our other mission was kids club and the first day it was bad & didn’t really go good. The second day the kids got what we were saying and were singing the songs we taught them and really liked us. Also, I got to meet Mrs. Paula at the nursing home and she was so sweet. I had so much fun playing Bingo, poker, & dominoes with the old people. I got to meet Clay, Cobie, and Amber and had so much fun with them. I got to be better friends with people I was already close to. This was the best thing I have ever done for myself. I really hope that I can keep serving when I get back home.

Sydnei Lemmons

When I came into this trip I thought it was going to be fun and games. When I got there it was much more than that. I realized that it is not about me!! I realized that it was time to give back and I'm still going to keep up with that. I'm so glad that I went on this trip and I would go back in a heartbeat!!!

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